This picture is separated from the location of this writing by over 8194 miles, and from this date by approximately one year and nine months. It was taken outside a German pub in Sydney, Australia, in the last part of January, 2008. The mug I am holding has the name of the pub- Lowenbrau, with the accent marks over the "O" and the "A" so you know its genuine Germanic- and a rearing lion- why, I'm not sure. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the beer in the mug, although I do recall a rich, complex taste, much more bitter than most (German beers generally do not contain sugar). The silly hat I'm wearing- and yes, it is silly, I recognize this- had been purchased just hours earlier in a small shop that sold military leavings. You can just barely see the hat I had been wearing on the table in front of me. Behind me you can see something of the area the Lowenbrau was set in; The Rocks. The oldest part of Sydney, with many of the buildings and streets being originals, built out of stone and brick, although you can see that the road in the background is modern pavement. Some of them where, presumably because cobblestone streets, while beautiful, are not conducive to an optimal driving experience. I still own that mug- and still drink beer out of it- as well as that hat- and its still silly.
20 Inspirador Joyeria Para Anillos De Compromiso
[image: 0 50 caraat diamanten solitaire verlovingsring in geel goud]
*Joyeria Para Anillos De Compromiso* el regalo perfecto para mam en su d a
Joyer a Mur...
6 years ago
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